User roles, set-up and maintenance



We have created several standard roles in the system which you can assign to users.  You can always change these roles if you like but below is the recommended settings.



Admin Role:

Admin role has all the rights in the system with exception of user management change permissions but without this permission it is easier to set-up users by only making use of roles and being consistent across all users.


Data Entry Role:

Data entry role has all the permissions to enter the relevant data in the system but not to make the final submission to HMRC.  This is normally used when the user is not that experienced or is not directly working for the legal entity in the UK responsible for the Customs Clearance of the goods.

Declarant Role:

The declarant is responsible for the submission of the declaration to HMRC.  This role in itself is quite narrow but depending on the set-up in your company the combination of the data entry role together with this role gives the user all the permissions he/she needs to perform their work.

Master Data Role:

Masterdata role has no rights to enter or approve declarations but can enter new parties and set-up/ change users and roles in the system.




New user set-up

When setting-up new users the following 3 fields need to be filled-out: 

  1. Username
  2. Password
  3. Email address 


Password should consist of 10 characters consisting of the following:

  1. Ateast one capital letter (A-Z)
  2. Atleast one lower case letter (a-z)
  3. Atleast one number (1,2,3-9)
  4. Atleast one non alphanumeric character (£, #, @ etc)  


Assigning roles to the user:

The admin user will receive the admin role as shown below. 

The same admin user can also be set-up by assigning the following 3 roles.

Other users can be set-up by assigning one or more roles to that particular user.

