Seamless customs clearance for
micro-entities and small enterprises (MSEs)
Burgate, one of the seven Roman gates of Canterbury city originally build in 270 AD and facing the Port of Dover. is a cloud solution for micro-entities and small enterprises (MSEs) in the UK for seamless customs clearance of goods at the lowest price in the market.
Zennture is working in close co-operation with HMRC to implement our solution on the new CDS Customs Clearance Service.
The Roll-on Roll-off (RoRo) Import from Europa into the UK is ready to use as of December 2021 and RoRo Export from the UK to Europe is ready as of February 2022.
The Burgate solution aims to make customs clearance activities easier for yourself and your staff.
The driving force for our customs clearance solution is to reduce cost related to your customs processes.
Start your clearing activities the same day you are registered with Burgate.
A simple pricing model.
Best in Industry
Our aim is to become the best in industry by facilitating international trade for micro-entities and small enterprises (MSEs).
Imports & Exports
Perfect for micro and small enterprises
£48.00/ Month
- Including 1 tenant
- Including 10 users
- Including 10 submitted declarations
£2.50/ Declaration
- In addition to the 10 included in monthly subscription
- No CHIEF Badge required
For MSEs who want to reduce cost and get started with self-declaration please follow the 5 easy take-off steps as presented below.
Burgate Test System
To get yourself familiar with the Burgate system and test the different commodity codes you use for your Imports, we offer our test system (Trade Dress Rehearsal) for a period of 5 weeks.
Government Gateway account
To register for Customs Declaration Service (CDS) you need to use/ create your HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) online account.
EORI Number
For everything you do related to Customs Declarations it all starts with registering yourself for an Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI number). Normally you receive your EORI number immediately unless HMRC needs to conduct checks on your application.
Register for CDS
The CDS Customs Declaration Service will be the new service from HMRC to perform initially all Import declarations and later this year also Export declarations. Your EORI number and CDS Customs Declaration Service registration will be linked to your Government Gateway account. Normally within a couple of hours and up-to 5 working days.
Burgate/ CDS Production
After you have completed Steps 1 to 4, you will be ready to start making you own Customs Declarations in CDS Production making use of Burgate. Please fill-out the Burgate Order Form.
Please be so kind as to fill-out the below contact form and provide as much information as possible such as volumes, mode of transport, harbours & airports used, goods imported/ exported and countries from/ to: